I laughed and cried a little bit in my head when I saw this on fail blog today.

see more pwn and owned pictures
I really wonder if you can seriously order this for your kid!
I just thought about it and you could get your kid so sick from having them collect all the crap that's on the floor and keep it right next to there faces like that!
Silly people cleanings for adults not kids!
Second the succeeding part.
So I am taking a photojournalism class right now (duh, I am a photojournalism major) and our final project is to do a photo story consisting of 12 pictures that tell a story about someone or someplace that is photojournalistic. Let me begin by saying that when I first heard of this at the beginning of the semester I thought "how the hell am I going to think of someplace, talk to them, and convince them to let me follow them around for six weeks taking pictures of them?". Then when my professor starting making suggestions of following someone in a battered woman shelter, an aviary, a soup kitchen, a mormon church, I thought "god those are all so cliche and I don't want to do any of that."
So now we come to yesterday, she told us that we have to start our projects now and have our topics thought of and interviewed by next thursday. I panicked. I had no ideas and I really just didn't want to talk to people and try and convince them to let me do this. I know, very anti social Marie, but I was just being the lazy person that I have become.
Ok enough dragging this story out. SO I finally had an idea pop into my head. Last semester I took this recreation course called "Growth through Adventure" and one of the activities we did was go to a ropes course. For those of you who don't know a ropes course is a place where they string high tension wire and ropes up in the trees for you to walk across and it's really challenging, especially for me because I am a little afraid of heights. The cool thing about this ropes course though is that their purpose is to bring in kids and community and teach them leadership skills and teamwork through this ropes course. So I looked them up through my teacher and found out that the organization that runs the course is actually part of my school which is something I never knew. I emailed them last night asking if it would be ok if I did my project on them and the guy emailed me back today sounding really excited about the whole thing!!! So one less thing to stress out about. Woo!
Now to the worrying part.
Today I get a text from my friend Cassie saying "I'm going to Spain!". She applied for the same study abroad program I did except instead of France she chose Spain. I'm soooo excited for her, but it just makes me want to find out all the more. It also makes me worry because my mail is not so reliable (my new credit card got lost in the mail) so I may not even get it and what if I don't get in? God, I really need to go to France because truthfully I am bored to tears here. It's just a bunch of crap all the time and nothing exciting really happens. I need France to get me excited about school again.
Oh well we'll see how it goes.
Picture of the Day:
Oops almost forgot the picture of the day! Since I was talking about my friend Cassie I will give you a picture of her that I took recently.
I love the expression on her face here. And that the guy in the background looks so worried.
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