So I was inspired by Danae's blog to include in this post a story about my childhood.
As my dad tells me I have always had the "wander lust" which is, for those who cannot guess. a need to travel, wander, see new places. This was most prevalent when I was about 6 or 7 and in Kindergarten.
I had this best friend, Tara, who lived up the hill from me. I think I must of found her house more exciting than mine or maybe her mom wouldn't let her come over, but what matters is that I was always at her house. Even if I didn't ask my parents or if they said no I would still just walk up there whenever I wanted to.
I actually remember one of the times when my parents said I couldn't go over after I asked them,
I lived in San Francisco Bay Area at this point so of course it was raining and getting dark on top of that. I went down to my room in anger after my parents refused to let me go. I then, of course, decided to go anyway. I didn't even put on real shoes, I put on my ballet slippers, went out the sliding door into my back yard and trudged up the hill in the rain.
That's all I really remember, but my dad helpfully fills in from this point. He says that night he took me aside and asked me why I was always leaving the house and going to Tara's. Of course my response is "I just HAVE TO!" in true little kid fashion. Let me give you a picture of approximately what I looked like at this age.
That's me on the left with my older sister Kate.
Ok so imagine this little face saying in complete desperation " I just HAVE to!". As my dad tells it he just melted at how cute I was, but of course he had to be firm and tell me that it wasn't good what I was doing.
So anyways, I was a crazy child and I've always needed to keep moving from place to place.
Part 2:
I just needed to say something about the new Crank: High Voltage movie coming out. Some of you might know that this is the second Crank movie, with the same actor and presumably the same premise. In the first movie a guy involved with the mob or something like that gets attacked and injected with this poison that will kill him if his heart rate gets below a certain count. So basically it's an action movie with almost no downtime because if the main character gets downtime he dies. I saw it with my dad when it was in theatres. Honestly, it was a little awkward in some scenes because it is definitely rated R for a reason.
Anyways if you haven't seen this movie and want to see it and don't want to have the ending ruined this is the official
In the end the main character dies. Not in an enigmatic way either. He literally falls out of a plane and hits the ground. There's no coming back from that. SO how can they make a sequel, I ask. Honestly I haven't watched any of the previews or read any reviews or summaries so I have no idea if it's a prequel or not. I actually have no intention of doing it either.
So here's a question for any of those people reading this... how do you think they are going to explain the fact that he is alive if it is actually a sequel?
And as always we will end with the...
Photo of the Day:
In the immortal words of woody "Reach for the sky!"
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