I will be reviewing a movie that I just saw today called Adventureland.
It looked like such a promising movie from the previews. Kristin Wiig and Bill Hader are in it and I love them. Also, Bill from Freaks and Geeks is in it and he is awesome. The previews made it out to be a really funny movie, but really it wasn't. It was so awkward that I didn't even know what to do with myself. I liked the main character just because he was cute and articulate, but he didn't really have any chemistry with any of the actors. Especially his love interest Kristin Stewart.
Speaking of Kristin Stewart, this is probably blasphemy on this Ning because everyone loves twilight, but I hate her. She cannot act and every scene with her in it was just awkward. You know how she played Bella? She played this completely different character exactly the same. It made no sense. I really don't get why she is such a big movie star because she is just ok looking and she is the most awkward actress I have ever scene on film.
Then we come to the writing. O my god the writing. It was just so uninspiring and forced. It seemed like they really wanted to make it funny, but it just wasn't. Everything was so heavy and it just didn't work. This is coupled with directing where they held out this pointless scenes where everything is awkward, but they are trying to play it off as either artsy or deep when really there is no substance there. No character is having a revelation, nothing is being brought to the surface, it's just filler. For example near the end of the film they seriously have about 5 minutes of shots of the main character sitting on a bus and views of windows with rain on them and blurry lights outside. They aren't even framed well so it's not even that pretty.
I just don't get it. I was cringing in my seat for half of the movie or hanging my head in a "when are they going to move on I'm bored" gesture.
I have had several people tell me that they saw this movie and loved it, but I really just don't get it.
Oh and a note on a different movie
I just saw a movie poster for that new Crank movie and it's tagline was actually "You thought he was dead, but we found out how to bring him back" or something to that effect.
IT'S ACTUALLY A SEQUEL!!?? NOT a PREquel like I thought it might be because it is the only thing that makes sense?!
Jeez I don't even know what to do with that.
In other news not related to movies:
Today I had a lot of fun dressing crazy and wearing it out to the movies. My roommate brought out these different colored sequined, feathery eye masks today to show me because we are going to a "Feathers, fur, and fangs" party on Friday night. I tried it on and after a little bit just pushed it onto my forehead instead of taking it off. I decided then that I didn't want to take it off so I just wore it as a headband. Then I wore my crazy high heeled oxford shoes and went out. It was fun watching peoples reactions when they saw my head crowned with feathers.
Here's a picture of the mask:
Imagine that on the top of my head all night.
I know, pretty crazy awesome right?
Also another new development: I bought this cool notebook tonight that has robots on the cover. I know robots! exciting right? Anyways, I bought the notebook so I can start writing down whats happening in my life right now with the getting into France and everything. I want to record this period in my life into something tangible that I can keep with me to look at when I'm older.
So new project number one!
Ooo I totally just had an idea about what my next post will be!
Get your embroidery floss ready readers because I am going to be teaching you guys how to make a friendship bracelet!
Till Tomorrow!
Picture of the Day:
"watching girls go by my my my"