Alright, I've been avoiding this blog for a couple days because I know how this is going to take to write and how ranting it will probably be.
Oh and angry. Don't forget the angry part.
Yes, you guessed it, this is a political blog.
Before this election I was never a very political person. Part of it might have been my parents, part of it might have been my inability to vote, and part of it might have been because never before in my lifetime has there been such an important election.
*breathes* ok let's try to make this a little organized.
America is a sinking ship and I don't know exactly how we are going to patch the hole before we end up on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean with the Titanic.
I have one glimmer of hope though. His name is Barack Obama.
Barack Obama is thoughtful, charismatic, and intelligent man. He is not controlled by big business and does not waver on his stances. You know why he is not controlled by big business? Because he gains all of his funding for his campaign from US, the common people.
Big business interests have been running this country for too long. All of the benefits of tax breaks and laws passed go to big business. From energy solutions to the pharmaceutical industry to the tax breaks meant to "help the economy". News flash the tax breaks to big business are not "helping the economy" by letting the companies "create jobs", they are just helping the CEO's wallets.
But Barack Obama can make a decision
without the influence of big business. He uncomplicates the system and breaks the cycle of bad decision makers in power.
The one dark cloud over this vision of loveliness is the McCain/Palin contingency. McCain/Palin in turn make me angry,frightened, and amused.
Angry: How presumptuous they are. When I watch them bash Obama when they cannot even get their FACTS straight it just pisses me off. Plus watching all of the people in the media fall over them with how cunning they are. Come off it. I know you know what is going on, just REPORT it. For example, McCain wanted to put off the presidential debate because of, he claims, the economic crisis. Number one, McCain has admitted, more than once, that he knows nothing about the economy and needs to be educated about it. If this is true than what use would McCain be if he pushed back the presidential debates so
he can help with figuring out how to solve our economic crisis. Number two, everyone and his mother knows the
real reason he wants to pause the presidential campaigns is because his is going down in flames.
Why is his presidential campaign going down in flames, you might ask?
Here enters Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin.
This woman is an imbecile. She knows about as much about national and international politics as me, but there is one important difference: I am not trying to be the next Vice President of the United States of America. She, however, is.
What has she said that is so stupid you might ask?
Well, let me tell you.
She cites her proximity to Russia as her foreign policy experience. Even hinting at sending spies over into Russia to keep an eye on Putin in case he "rears his ugly head".
Hmm... let us think about this. Alaska is very close to Russia, but what part of Russia? Oh, that's right, SIBERIA. I'm sorry how many people live in Siberia? I think it's probably close to none. And if for some reason Russia just decided to attack America it would
definitely choose to attack Alaska because it is
very very important to the United States. Oh, and it is really close to the rest of the United States too. You don't have to go through Canada or anything to get to the continental United States.
This is like saying because in Seattle I lived really close to the Canadian border I have loads of foreign policy experience.
She has no idea what the specific policies of the Bush Administration have been, what they are now, or what is going on in International politics. This amuses me and at the same time frightens me.
She is a serious candidate for the Vice Presidency.
John McCain, her runningmate and Presidential candidate, is 72 years old and not in perfect health. In fact, the average age of death for American males is 72 years old.
This means that McCain could die in the first weeks of his presidency and what does that mean? Welcome President Palin. The Governor of Alaska for less than two years, mayor of Wasila, Alaska for one year, and hockey mother of five.
McCain thinks he is playing it smart by bringing a woman onto the ticket because so many people want to see a woman in the white house. The thing is we don't want just any woman in the white house, we want a competent woman. A woman who is actually for WOMEN's rights. Palin is against all women's rights. So what good is it to have a woman in the white house if she does not care about other women?
It does no good.
McCain is senile and Palin is a women-hating imbecile.
If they get elected I'm moving out of the country and never coming back.
Vote Barack Obama 2008. Please. If you want to see America survive.